Demystify the world of finance and investing, rendering it more appealing and accessible to young women of diverse backgrounds
Increase young womens’ awareness of the finance industry’s full career spectrum via partnership with grassroots organizations that directly deliver critical STEM and finance education
Provide young women with relevant and relatable finance industry role models and mentors, while opening the doors to career opportunities
Founding Sponsor
Your free student membership is made possible by generous support from the following industry firms:

Get Involved
Donors: Click here to support the 100 Women Impact Collective
Foundations and Corporate Supporters: Reach us at impact@100women.org to learn more about how your foundation or company can support our pre-career Impact work
Universities and Colleges: Reach us at impact@100women.org to learn more to learn more about internship and job placement partnerships
Nonprofit Partnership Request: Applications for the 2022 grant cycle will be accepted through July 31st 2021. (Click here to access the application)
100 Women Inspiring Girls
In 2020 working in collaboration with our partnering organizations, 100 Women in Finance supported over hundred of girls in Hong Kong to have access to finance and investment opportunities. To bring these girls closer to the industry, we are presenting 100 Women Inspiring Girls by having our 100 Women in Finance talk to the teenage girls.
Meet Our Impact Partners
North America


Hong Kong